Saturday, July 5, 2008

Its Almost been 3 years!

OK... so everyone always does these flash back photo's and i never do! but after looking at some old pics i can see why people post about the past its fun! in these picture i was about 33 weeks prego's the same as i am now! i got to say I'm doing much better this pregnancy... i gained 50+ lbs with Lillian i guess you would say i liked my treaty, treat, treats! The other 2 pics are from the hospital i was bigger leaving the hospital then when i came in, because i was retaining so much water oh maybe that's just what I'm telling myself lol.


Lorraine and Kelly said...

See! It's so fun. I thoroughly enjoyed that! Thank you, thank you! Aren't you so excited to be in that hospital bed again soon??

The Alvords said...

So Cute! I do have baby and toddler accessories. I have headbands, flowers, hats, rhinestone flip flops, and binkies. You will die. Go to to see what I have. I am still adding more children's accessories so check back frequently. I hope you like everything!

Twisted Sister said...

First: Loved the pictures. Wish I was as cute as you are pregnant.

Second: I'm sorry about Tuesdays. I think about you every Tuesday but have had family, family, and more family.

Third: I need my hair done. Do you want it or should I just run to Supercuts? (PLEASE don't make me go to Supercuts!!!) Call me...