Monday, August 25, 2008

Still pregnate!

Another very long night at our house. Contractions all night 7-10min apart! in the morning i called dr. nickles office he told me to come in and see him! he tells me he wont induce until NEXT Tuesday because i had a c-section with lillian! AAAAAAAAAAA i cant have contractions like this all day long until tuesday! i have walked and walked! im dieing! WHAT DO I DO????? ADVICE? ANYONE!


Shauna said...

Oh. . you poor lady. My heart hurts for you. I will pray for that baby gracie to come.

Katie said...

Courtney, I'm sorry, I have no advice for you, but good luck. What I do have for you is an invitation to my blog (yes, I finally gave in) Hopefully you are at the hospital right now with a little one in your arms, but if not, you can waste some time reading all about my birthday or something. Oh, and I'm coming home to visit next week. I will want to see your new baby, so be ready for a visit.
Love, Katie

The Alvords said...

I already told you, just start pushing. Eventually she'll come out. Sorry, you probably don't appreciate me joking around right now. Go Court!

Jen Anderson said...

OK, so I know she is here and I NEED to see some pictures!!! So happy everyone is healthy. You DID IT!! Lots of love to you and baby!

Kensie said...

court I look at your blog everyday to see if you had your baby yet and still nothing... Im so anxious