Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Lilli In Sponge Curlers

Lilli has never worn sponge curls and let me just say she doesnt have the hair for it... the poor girl doesnt hold curl well. The only curl the girl holds is what is in it naturally. the sponge curls lasted maybe 20 min. and the werent even very curly! i think maybe we will have to try again when i have some more time to take my time with it! 1 pack of curlers was not enough for her big old head, bless her heart!


Alex and Jessica and kids said...

Okay that was great love that little lady. And the poor girl does have a HUGE head. Hopefully she grows into the block!!!!

Barrett Bunch said...

ok, at least she has hair! Love her and her cuteness!

Christine said...

Lilly has cute hair with or without curlers. India does not do sponge curlers either. When I was her age, my mom put curlers in my hair every Sat. night. One day I hope she will give in to me that it will make her have princess hair and she needs to leave them in!

Here is our blog: Asayfamily6

Shauna said...

Isn't your lilly and cute little lady even if the curlers don't fit around her head.

Erika Tebbs said...

She's a doll! She needs to have some where to all those brains! Hallee loves to have her hair in curlers. but she dosn't hold a great curl either.

Janelle said...

oh I remember those awful hings. You could try putting them in when her hair is wet and letting her sleep with them. It's not comfotable but it works better. But really I hated it so she probably will too :) not that you need help with hair you are amazing!! miss you

Janelle said...

I'll bring my sling up in june when I come up and you can try it!!

Leslierush said...

oh my gosh i don't think i've ever even seen your little girl...she is an absolute doll!!

Heather said...

She is so beautiful! You are hilarious, like it is so sad that her hair won't curl! We miss you guys! Jared woke up this morning with like 10 bug bites or something! Poor guy. (luckily it wasn't me or I'd be freaking out!)